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Chapter one by me2711

Caption said confused “what do you mean you our still alive Dommy you race at the point of 3040 had been dead for 555 years”
James said factually “where having a 555 celebration to celebrate your great cultural”
Dommy said smugly “who do you think is makeing the celebration”
Jackson said “the president”
Dommy laughs “what do you think your president is”
Caption “a human I think”
Dommy almost hits a moon of cores “wooooooow that could have changed the cores of history, but anyway you president is a
Butterflyed beast like me”
The crew looked on athletic beast as the glided along
“Are you saying the you all can shap shift” the caption said confused
Dommy “well yes and time travel and a hole bunch of other things” said smileing

February 15th, 2022 @ 5:07 PM (UTC) - Post ID 814